Sunday 30 October 2011

I Love you :S???

How many people have you used the "I love you" sentence to?

Do you think after using it to more than one person it has lost all meaning to it?

Love has become so overrated. We hear about it all the time, movies, songs, programmes, school. Every where we go we hear about this, what's meant to be a wonderful thing called "Love".

So if this is the case, then the world should be hearts, flowers, and white doves everywhere we go, but that doesn't seem to be the case. The word love is thrown around so easily that when we do seem to fall in love, we don't know how to prove that it really is love. 
I've thought about why this might be the case. It's a difficult one. My mother use to tell me that listening to these loves songs ruins our feelings, the singers and celebrities are telling us how to feel. By the end of all this our emotions are dead to actually feel anything real. Its all fairy tales. 

I do believe that is partially true. We seem to have in our mind love is all about, hugs and kisses, going out for romantic nights out, but we seem to forget that being in love, or being in a relationship is so much more than just that. 

Have we forgotten the strain of everyday life is always put on the person closest to us i.e. our loved one... But when our husbands/boyfriends/wife's/girlfriends do put that strain on the other one, arguments occur. 

We look around for real love stories, to feed the hunger of what the 21st century has been about , "sex, boys/girls and love to some extent", but cannot seem to find ones that are easily adapted to the reality. There isn't always a happy ending. Apart from one REAL LOVE story that we seem to always forget about... The relationship between Khadija and Muhammed (pbuthem).  

Although the age difference was a great 15 years apart, Khadija being older, that did not stop them from falling in love with one another and did not stop Muhammed (pbuh) to prove what an honourable man and husband he would be for Khadija. When he needed someone the most, His beautiful wife was there for him. Not to say a word but to hold him and comfort him. When the prophet Muhammed was exiled from his home land , Khadija dropped everything for him and travelled away with him...Sadly Khadija had passed away, and although Muhammed (pbuh) remarried it was well known that his only true love was Khadija, he did not just throw the word around, although his wives after were jealous of Khadija, he did not treat them any differently apart from the honest fact that he was only in love with one. I guess this is where the saying comes from "True love never dies"

That is the love story we should look up. Try to be the wife , Khadija once was , and the Husband Muhammed once was... 

So when do we know if "he really does love us"...? I guess that's a test within it self. I guess you will only know after 5 years of marriage... (if that)

I suppose this is a post to warn vulnerable girls and boys to be cautious of when someone says "I love you".
Many have said it, and many have not meant it... Many use words to their advantage. 

I am not hating on Love... Never that. I'm a big believer in Love, a big believer in true Love. In some ways even Love at first sight, but I am a hater on the ones who use "love" in ways we shouldn't be, sometimes to even just "get in to their pants". Just to hurt others. 

Lets look at Khadija and Muhammed as our main role models when looking for husband/wife or even in a relationship... I wish you all bliss and happiness with in your life.

Peace x

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