Sunday 23 October 2011

Libyan Independence day. 23/10/2011

After nine months of protesting , fighting, and crying, finally we can relax and be happy.
Mumaar al Gaddafi ruled Libya for 42 years. He ruled it by allowing the people of Libya to live in fear. Afraid to raise their voices or to say no to anyone just because of they may know, or be someone very important. Gaddafi did not allow freedom of speech or democracy of any kind in to the country. One of the well known massacres which has been investigated into is the Abu sleem massacre that occurred in 1996, where an estimate of 1,270 prisoners were killed. (disgusting!!)...

Gaddafi had a circle of murderers among him including Musa Kusa, The ex foreign minster of Libya, Muttasim al Gaddafi, Mummar al Gaddafi son, Seif al Islam, Also a son of Mummar, Saadi al Gaddafi , another son of Mummar, khaled al Khuweldi, Abduallah Sinnusi and many more. These are just a few of the people in the highest positions in Libya who controlled many people and many killings.

February 17th was the start of the revolution in Libya. The Libyans had hope , had faith that they could also defeat this horrendous dictator such as Tunisia had done to Ben ali, and the Egyptians had done to Mubarak. We all knew it wouldn't be easy but we succeeded after over 30 thousand people had been killed(May their souls rest in peace) , many women raped and tortured, people being captured and tortured (beaten repeatedly ridiculously in the most inhuman way), and now we see the joy in every single Libyans eyes. Alhumduallah. Allahu Akbar. From Benghazi, to Tubroq, to Misrata and Zawiya, Jadu , and Tripoli then to sirte and sabha, and benwalid FINALLY ALL FREE after all the freedom fighters had worked so hard and been through so much.

Finally after all of these massacres, Murders, hangings, and beatings, Libyans can finally start to live their lives.

Gaddafi's capture and death remarked an amazing sense of relief for the Libyan people, that they can finally not be scared of who may be after them. Celebrating for days now since the 20th October, and ending the night tonight with the London Libyan embassy creating an amazing atmosphere with injured freedom fighters attending , and every Libyan singing and clapping, and laughing with joy.

This is the joy in London, can you really imagine how beautiful it is in Libya right now!

I can finally carry on with my life and not have my education affected by the revolution as it has done for the past nine months.

To end this, Happy Liberation day to all my brothers and sisters around the world. This has shown us aslong as we have Allah (swt) by our sides we have nothing to fear. We win or we die...

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